

铭记所有人都是按照基督的形象被造的信念, 我们力求在学生团体的所有成员中培养网络彩票平台和包容性. 学生们一起学习,一起崇拜,一起服务,互相庆祝. 艾尔顿主教的特别服务小组与家长合作, 内容的老师, 学校辅导员, 学校的护士, to provide students with the necessary differentiated supports to achieve success in all components of their school career. 艾尔顿主教特别服务小组以基督为中心,以学生为中心的工作, with the belief that all children have the right to access a high-quality Catholic education and reach their full potential. 我们提供长达数年的特殊服务计划,以支持学生的学业.



  • 学术支持计划

    The 学术支持计划 (ASP) is designed for students with a history of learning challenges or deficits in organization and planning, 谁, 的支持下, 大学预科课程能成功吗. 该课程的主要作用是教授学生成功所需的学习技巧. 学生在预定的自习室期间参加ASP, 接受个人和小组指导.

    ASP有目的地提供了一个比自习室更结构化的环境, 教师在哪里示范和教授有效的工作量管理方法. Self-advocacy skills are an early focus so that students can work with teachers to ask for appropriate help when needed. These classes are purposefully kept small (1:8 teacher to student ratio) so that personalized support can be developed, 导致录取人数有限. 

    2023-24学年的学术支持计划费用为 外加学费2500美元.
  • 销售计划

    The 销售计划 (DSP) is designed to serve students with a diagnosed mild to moderate specific learning disability or developmental disability. Students take all core subjects in regularly scheduled classes and attend DSP in a resource classroom during their one study hall period. 九年级学生参加两节DSP课程,并推迟学习外语. The primary focus of DSP is to assist students with academic and organizational needs by providing them with specialized tutorial support to help meet the demands of academic course requirements.

    Individual and small group instruction is provided to closely monitor academic progress and provide skill reinforcement in most subject areas. 重点放在提高执行能力和学习技巧. DSP staff communicate regularly with parents and utilize Parent-Student-Teacher conferences to establish and review individual education goals. DSP teachers work closely with students and their content area teachers to design appropriate adaptations and accommodations for the academic setting, 他们还帮助学生在课堂上培养自我辩护的技能.

    DSP根据网络彩票平台高中的可用资源来满足学生的需求. 并非所有学生心理教育评估中的建议和调整都具有约束力或可行性, 但我们会尽一切努力满足每个学生的个性化需求.  
    De Sales项目2023-24学年的费用为 除了学费,还要3500美元.
  • 期权计划

    选择计划是一个特殊的教育计划,为学生诊断为中度智力残疾, 为学生提供个性化的包容性, 以学生为中心的天主教教育. Students in the Options Program are included in college prep courses with their peers with coursework and assessments modified to align with the student’s goals and strengths. Small group classes (1:6 teacher to student ratio) are scheduled in the Options classroom for students to work on goals and develop skills needed to successfully transition into adulthood.

    选项对学术有很强的承诺,强调学生的职业/过渡探索, 建立在所有人都能学习的信念之上. 一个个性化的天主教教育计划(ICEP)帮助我们确定每个学生的包容水平. Each student’s needs are accommodated through a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools in order to realize his or her potential.

    在学校工作人员的监督下, 同侪辅导学生协助学生参加特殊和普通教育课程的选修课程, 协助学习, 提供积极的行为支持, 促进学术和非学术环境的融合, 作为倡导者和建立友谊. A primary goal for each student is to be as fully integrated as possible into the total life of the school community. 选修课程的学生不需要获得高中文凭,而是, 获得选项课程结业证书. 

    2023-24学年的选修课程费用为 除了学费,还要3850美元.



  • 英语学习者支持

    艾尔顿主教没有正式的英语学习(EL)课程, but does strive to support international students so they can be successful in the school’s fast-paced academics while continuing to develop their English language skills. Students are screened previous to enrollment for English language proficiency through standardized testing and an interview with school staff. 如获录取, 学生和家长完成一份家庭语言调查,并开始确定所需支持的过程. Language-based learning accommodations can be provided to make sure the student has support for the unique task of learning core content in their non-native language.
    如果你对英语学习者的支持有疑问, 请与特别服务处处长联络, Aga斯奈德 aga.snyder@jstp28.com.
  • 作业中心

    The Academic Support Team has opened a new layer of support open to all students 谁 need a place to get assignments done or study for a test. 作业中心开门了 星期一、三、四下午3:15-4:30 在204房间.

    • 为任何想要做作业的学生提供一个有组织的旁听空间.
    • 有多名成年人在空间里协助并提供直接支持的机会吗.
    • 帮助安排任务的优先级.
    • 在不同的科目上提供同伴辅导.
    虽然设计成一个积极主动的空间, the 作业中心 will also be a place where students on academic probation or students 谁 need more regular support are strongly encouraged or even, 最终, 必须出席.
  • 数学帮助中心

    所有学生都有机会在艾尔顿主教学校的数学课程中获得支持. 数学帮助中心在所有的自习室开放, 学生可以要求访问以获得任何额外的支持. 数学帮助中心目前为远程和混合学生提供虚拟服务. Students should log into their portal account and look for the "数学帮助中心 Online" resource board for the online schedule and link.

    • 在数学的各个领域帮助学生,或者在他们的特定主题上向他们推荐可以帮助他们的老师.
    • 在缺课后提供补课指导.
    • 对尚未掌握的概念提供额外的指导.
    • 帮助学生完成家庭作业,或者解决他们困惑的地方,这样学生就可以完成家庭作业.
    • Review returned assessments with the student to make sure they understand mistakes and know the content going forward.
    • 帮助学习即将到来的评估.
  • 医疗房屋

    The School Nurse and 特别事务署署长 work together to provide students 谁 have medical diagnoses that impact academics with accommodations needed to be successful in school. 他们还提倡学校活动和学术项目的无障碍. Student services can be consultative or formal with Medical Plans and/or Student Assistance Plans developed to ensure the student is safe and can participate throughout the school day. 当学生遭受脑震荡时, the Bishop Ireton Athletic Trainers collaborate to develop a Concussion Plan to assist with academics during recovery.
  • 测试中心

    The 测试中心 is a monitored classroom environment available for making up assessments when absent or completing additional testing as assigned by the teacher. 考试中心对所有学生开放, but students 谁 have Student Assistance Plans (SAP) with specific testing accommodations can use the 测试中心 as part of their SAP.

  • 写作中心

    艾尔顿主教写作中心, Word Write Shop (WWS), 是否为所有学生提供标准支持. The WWS is designed to assist students in sharpening and reinforcing the writing instruction that they receive across the curriculum by providing help at every stage of the writing process. 我们的目标是通过为学生提供策划方面的辅导来提高他们的书面沟通能力, 起草, 修改论文, 研究论文, 报告, 口头报告, 以及大学/奖学金申请. WWS每天都有艾尔顿主教英语老师轮流授课. WWS目前为远程和混合学生提供虚拟服务. Students should log into their portal account and look for the "Word Write Shop Online" resource board for the online schedule and link.

    • 帮助学生提高写作能力,无论他或她的写作能力如何.
    • 在写作过程的任何阶段提供帮助.
    • Help foster an understanding of the discipline that is required to produce a well-written document/project/assignment.
    • 以一种回应性的、非评判性的方式阅读学生的作业.
    • 在会议上不能解决的问题,请学生向适当的资源寻求帮助.
    • 向学生展示批判性思维和分析策略,以便更好地进行自我编辑.



  • 阿格涅斯卡·斯奈德摄

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    (703) 212-5451
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    玛丽凯特 Wiedemer 

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    计算机科学教师, 特殊服务, 学术支持老师, 大学男子篮球助理教练
  • 托马斯·克罗斯摄

    托马斯。 交叉 



如果你认为你的孩子可能有资格获得学术住宿, 请联络我们的特别服务处处长, Aga斯奈德 aga.snyder@jstp28.com.
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